CCG Excess Treatment Cost update
Date: 25 March 2022
CCG Excess Treatment Cost Payment and Accrual Dates
The CRNCC can confirm that the combined 2021/22 Q3 and Q4 accrual figures will be communicated to the LCRN Hosts by 23 March 2022. Partner organisations should use the payment schedules to accrue the amounts in their year-end accounts. The NIHR ODP app, “Excess Treatment Cost 2021.qvw”, will be updated with 2020/21 Q3 and Q4 accrual data by 25 March 2022. This app can be found in and selecting Excess Treatment Cost from the category drop-down option.
For clarity the combined Q3 and Q4 CCG ETC payment will be made to LCRN Hosts during May 2022 and estimate payments to LCRN Partners are made by 30 June 2022. The timelines relating to the CCG ETC payments process for 2021/22 and 2022/23 can be found on the ETC Google Site.