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Call for Trainers 

Date: 25 May 2022

The NHS R&D Forum is seeking applicants to become trainers for the following courses.  Please note that at the moment all courses are being run online, but we do hope to return to face to face training in the future, so applicants should be prepared to travel.

Essentials of Research Sponsorship

This course is designed to provide the essentials to become and/or improve the management of clinical research as a sponsor.  A one day course that will provide an opportunity to develop skills and gain knowledge in the underlying principles of sponsorship. The course covers widely accepted concepts that not only directly apply to sponsorship but are transferable to other areas of the research industry. The course is not a replication of Good Clinical Practice, a deep dive into regulatory compliance or a “how to” guide to being a sponsor, but is designed to support organisations in developing tools to become effect and efficient sponsors in the research landscape. Content Covers: Sponsor Oversight, Financing, Risk Assessments, Quality Management Systems and Transparency.

Regulatory Inspection Ready

This course is aimed at those who deliver research in a healthcare setting either in a Sponsor team or as a Host, and that maybe subject to regulatory inspection. Preparation for Inspection is critical but compliance driven from preparation rather than from quality systems can lead to poor practice and Inspection findings.

Last minute changes just prior to a visit can be very unhelpful and in some cases misleading and so this course will help delegates understand how to become inspection-ready for any inspection. Delegates will learn strategies that build confidence for an inspection from any of the regulators for example the MHRA, Human Tissue Authority or Human Embryology & Fertilisation Authority.

A course trainer must fulfil the criteria below and be available to deliver the course at least once a year:

  • Have at least 2 years work experience in the subject area and be able to demonstrate excellent interpersonal, facilitation and training skills.
  • Are suitably experienced to be able to answer questions around the topic area and to recognise where their knowledge is limited that further information is required.
  • Are adept at understanding the different needs/perspective of trainees and the health and care research management landscape. This is particularly important as our courses are delivered to many different types of organisation and across the UK.
  • Are very team focussed and able to work well with others
  • Are professional and represent the NHS R&D Forum at all times

For more information and application forms, please contact

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