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New NIHR Regional Research Delivery Network Configuration

Date: 26 July 2022

Statement on the announcement of the NIHR Regional Research Delivery Network configuration from April 2024: “The NIHR Research Delivery Network’s new regional configuration will put us in a really strong position for the future. Our alignment with the NHS England regions, being coterminous with integrated care systems and their component organisations, will facilitate strong relations and a much greater focus on research.

“This current announcement is about the form of the network, and it’s geographical configuration. Details are yet to be finalised regarding functions and other key areas such as funding. We expect these to be made public ahead of the host re-selection process starting in October. “What is clear, however, is that there is a strong track record of research support across the Network and a strong commitment to supporting research in the future. I am confident that the plans for the new Regional Research Delivery Network will build on this and present improved opportunities for people across the region to benefit from research opportunities, and for NIHR staff to support this.”

Dr William van’t Hoff, Clinical Research Network Chief Executive

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