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Research Reset: Update published by DHSC and NHSE and further requests made to Sponsors

Date: 28 September 2022

DHSC and NHSE have published a bulletin providing an update on the progress of the Reset Programme, and outlining next steps and further requests for action by 16 October 2022.

To facilitate responses to this request, Sponsors, Funders, CROs and CTUs have been given access to individual lists of affected studies.

The update outlines further immediate actions needed from Sponsors, Funders and Chief Investigators, including:

  • A request to close studies that fall into particular categories:
    • Close studies in setup which have passed their planned opening date by more than 90 days.
    • Close recruitment to studies that have not recruited any participants in the last 6 months (unless this is in line with expected recruitment e.g. rare disease study), either moving to follow up or close down.
    • Close recruitment to studies that have met their recruitment target in England and move into follow-up.
  • A reminder that Sponsors, Funders, Chief Investigators, CROs and CTUs are responsible for maintaining their study data and that this same data informs the Reset Oversight group of the programme’s progress.

The update also informs the community that CRN support for studies will be removed, if sponsors have been unresponsive to contact attempts that exceed three months, once all avenues to engage these sponsors have been exhausted.

In parallel with this, a number of study intentions have been updated in the Reset Tool, following stakeholder feedback.

In support of this latest communication, the Reset microsite has been updated as follows:

Sponsors have been asked to respond to the latest requests by 16 October 2022.

Read more about the latest requests as well as data on the progress to date on the Reset microsite.

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