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ICS Engagement Leadership Group

Date: 23 February 2023

The CRN ICS Engagement Group was established to enable continued best practice development and intelligence building around ICB and ICP engagement across the CRN. The Leadership Group is composed of at least one senior leader representative (ICS Engagement Lead) from each LCRN, the CRNCC Health and Care Engagement Team and an NHS England representative.  The aims of the group are to facilitate development of best practice and responsive local working relationships with the statutory ICS commissioners. The group will also horizon scan for new research initiatives relevant to delivering research in the ICS landscape making recommendations to the CRN Executive group and relevant CRNCC teams.

To date the group have:

  • Agreed a Terms of Reference
  • Agreed a number of priority areas (best practice for engagement, understanding ICB/ICP priority areas and defining the CRN offer to ICSs and their leaders)
  • Provided feedback to NHSE on their ICS Guidance on Maximising the Benefits of Research
  • Gathered intelligence on local CRN contributions to ICS Research Strategies and Joint Forward Plans

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