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The Wider Health and Care and Community Working Group update

Date: 22 March 2023

The Wider Health and Care and Community Working Group is a forum to support those people who are supporting health and care research taking place in Local Authorities, Community Providers, Care Homes, Hospices – all those areas of health and care delivery that are outside the remit of the Health Research Authority.

We have a lively welcoming group, with membership open to any and all, whether working exclusively in these organisations, or working on a particular project operating in previously unchartered territories. We are fortunate to have members from the Clinical Research Network (CRN), Health Research Authority (HRA) and have been joined by NHS England.

We’ve identified several areas where we might make some immediate positive impacts, and have established Task and Finish groups to tackle these:

  1. Research Ready pack/guidance for Local Authorities. This may be a toolkit and/or self-assessment for Local Authorities to use to increase confidence that they are ready to support research in a safe and responsible way.
  2. Research Ready pack/guidance for Hospices. This may be a toolkit and/or self-assessment for Local Authorities to use to increase confidence that they are ready to support research in a safe and responsible way.
  3. Collating and coordinating Governance Checklists for Local Authorities, working with the HRA to help align processes across organisations.

Other issues we have discussed include Excess Treatment (Intervention) Costs outside of the NHS; the requirements for research taking place in prisons; indemnity for NHS staff (e.g. CRN staff) working on projects outside of the NHS, and several of our members are supporting the pilot of a Universal Letter of Assurance developed by NOCLOR which organisations can use to help make sure researchers entering their premises have all the appropriate qualifications and checks.

If you are interested in joining the Wider Health and Care and Community Working Group please contact

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