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UK Research Finance Survey 2023

Date: 30 May 2023

The UK Research Finance Managers group conducted its first finance survey in 2020 which proved to be really helpful in quantifying the estimated financial impact of COVID 19 in NHS research organisations for UKRD Leaders, the R&D Forum and DHSC. The survey was repeated in 2021 that quantified the actual financial impact of COVID 19, and were able to share strategies and tactics that we had all adopted. Last year’s survey was helpful to understand the issues that R&D finance community are facing.

This year the survey consists of 19 questions. It ends by asking you to read the finance guidance that the UKRD FM group have written and provide feedback to by July 2023 for its next iteration.

We very much appreciate you taking the time to complete the questions as best you can. The survey is entirely anonymous, but if there are any questions that you are unable to answer, or prefer not to, just leave blank and move onto the next question. Please do share this with colleagues in other organisations, as we want to obtain as many responses as possible, to include and reflect the whole research community.

The deadline for returned responses is Friday 16th June with a virtual meeting to share the responses in July, date and time TBC.

Click here to complete the survey

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