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Responses to Consultations

Our resources and outputs, enabling
health and care research in the UK

Responses from Forum groups to proposals for policy initiatives or change that may impact on research in and health care stetting

We aim to provide considered, informed and balance responses from across a broad range of organisations and professional groups to help shape the work of our partners and to speak on behalf of the community

Title: NHS R&D Forum response to the CQC strategy consultation
Date: 25 March 2021

Members have submitted a response to the CQC strategy consultation on behalf of the NHS R&D Forum community. This follows preliminary feedback submitted in December and a presentation by CQC to members of the Forum attending our joint CARE group meeting. CARE stands for Coordinated Approaches to Research and care Embedded and it has wide membership from across the research ecosystem.

The CQC well-led inspection framework has played an important role in ensuring research is on the radar of Trust boards and senior NHS leadership however we now have an opportunity to ensure research is really core to quality and improvement in health and care. This response was submitted online and uses evidence for research collated by members of the CARE group and policy subgroup.

Title: CQC Draft Strategy for Discussion
Date: 24 November 2020

NHS R&D Forum response: Research inclusion as a critical role in quality, safety and improvement. This is an opportunity to improve the health and care environment for research.

Title: Forum Response to the ResearchTransparency Strategy #makeitpublic
Date: 2 September 2019
Title: Forum Response: Opportunities to recognise and incentivise NHS Trusts, GP practices, and other associated organisations
Date: 1 July 2019

Forum Response: Opportunities to recognise and incentivise NHS Trusts, GP practices, and other associated organisations (e.g. Pharmacies/Dentists) to act as research Participant Identification Centres (PICS), taking into consideration opportunities to speed up recruitment and increase patient access to research. July 2019

Title: Forum response on request to the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC)
Date: 1 February 2019

In support of the Life Sciences Sector Deal 2: Plans for establishing 5 commercial centres for late phase commercial research. A Forum response on request to the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC)

Title: Response to The National Research Capability Funding (RCF) consultation
Date: 1 March 2018

NHS R&D Forum response to the Department of Health, RCF Stakeholder Consultation

Title: Forum response to the NHSE Excess Treatment Costs (ETCs) and commercial study set up consultation
Date: 1 February 2018

Supporting Research in the NHS: A consultation covering changes to simplify arrangements for research in the NHS and associated changes to the terms of the NHS Standard Contract

Title: Briefing paper on considerations around patients and the public as co-applicants, project team members and co-researchers
Date: 31 January 2018

This paper outlines the management, governance and ethical implications of involving service users as co-applicants, project team members and co-researchers in health and care research as well as the ethical duties of all stakeholders involved. The NHS R & D Forum Service User and Carer Working Group members (SUCWG) have generated it.

Title: Forum Response to Public involvement standards consultation
Date: 1 September 2017

R&D Forum response to the Public involvement standards consultation

Title: Forum Response to Public involvement standards consultation
Date: 1 September 2017
Title: Response to NHSE Commissioning Policies: Funding of treatment outside of clinical commissioning policy or mandated NICE guidance
Date: 15 January 2017

The R&D Forum response to NHSE Commissioning Policies

Title: Response to the National Data Guardian Review
Date: 12 September 2016

The Forum response to the National Data Guardian Review

Title: Response to National Data Guardian Review
Date: 7 September 2016

R&D Forum comment on the National Data Guardian for Health & Care’s Review of Data Security, Consent and Opt-Outs. Consultation 7th September 2016.

Title: Service User and Carer working group Response to Draft UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research
Date: 31 March 2016

Health Research Authority Policy Framework – Feedback from the NHS Forum Service User and Carer Working Group (SUCWG)

Title: Response to Four Nations Group site-specific information for NHS/HSC sites
Date: 18 December 2015

Response from the R&D Forum Working Groups response to the consultation.

Title: NHS Forum Consultation Response to Draft UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research
Date: 15 December 2015

Four Forum working groups have reviewed and contributed to this response; the Service User and Carers Working Group, the Research Strategy Working Group, the Primary Care & Commissioning Working Group, and the Research Management Working Group, as well as members of the Forum Executive committee.

Title: HSCIC Records Management Code of Practice Consultation
Date: 11 December 2015

Consultation response to Health & Social Care Information Centre on the Records Management Code of Practice

Title: Response to HSCIC Records Management Code of Practice
Date: 11 December 2015

R&D Forum response to HSCIC Record Management Code of Practice

Title: Response to CRN Principles Document
Date: 18 November 2015

Forum Response to the CRN Principles Document

Title: Study Support Services Effective Study Start-Up SOP
Date: 15 June 2015

NHS R&D Forum Response CRN Study Support Service Effective Study Start-Up SOP. Version Consultation Draft, 15 JUNE 2015

Title: Study Support Services Effective Study Start-up SOP
Date: 15 June 2015

NHS R&D Forum Response
CRN Study Support Service Effective Study Start-Up SOP.

Title: Forum Response to HRA Policy Document call for Early Comment
Date: 2 February 2015

The Forum working groups have responded to the HRA revised policy document that will be replacing the research governance framework. The Forum was extremely pleased to review and provide feedback on this early stage policy replacement for the Research Governance Framework.
Three Forum working groups have reviewed and contributed; these are the Research Strategy Working Group, The Primary Care Working Group and the Research Management Working Group as well as members of the Executive committee

Title: Primary Care Working Group Options Paper
Date: 16 September 2014

Primary Care Working Group Options Paper: Submitted to the Dept. Health
The Allocation and Management of Recruitment Related Research Capability Funding in Primary Care. August 2014

Title: Response to HRA Consultations
Date: 11 July 2014

The Forum has responded to two HRA consultations around Risks in Research, in preparation for the review of the Research Governance Framework (to be completed when the HRA becomes a non-departmental public body)
A Forum response to: A preliminary exploration of the perceived risks and barriers to organisations conducting research.
A Forum response to: A review of Serious Adverse Events in Research Evidenced from Breach Notifications

Title: Response to NHS England Research Strategy
Date: 26 June 2014

In December 2013 NHS England issued a consultation on their Research & Development Strategy.

Title: Forum Response to HRA Consultation
Date: 28 February 2014

The Forum has responded to the HRA consultation on proposals for HRA Sponsor Expectations and Self Declaration.

Title: Response to NHS England Research Strategy
Date: 30 January 2014

In December 2013 NHS England issued a consultation on their Research & Development Strategy. The Forum has responded to the consultation.