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Payment for public involvement in health and care research: a guide for organisations on employment status and tax
Type: Website resources
Author: National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Health Research Authority, Health and Care Research Wales, and a public contributor from Wales
Keywords: public involvement, PPI, public contributors, payment, finance
Link Reference: 95482
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Peer review
Type: Website resources
Author: NOCLOR
Keywords: peer review, sponsor responsibilities, quality research
Link Reference: 446
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Peer review & the role of RECS.
Type: Policy
Author: Health Research Authority
Keywords: peer review, sponsor responsibilities, quality research, REC review
Link Reference: 445
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People performance management toolkit
Type: Toolkit
Author: NHS Employers
Keywords: People performance management
Link Reference: 421
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Performance in Initiating & Delivery research
Type: Guidance
Keywords: Performance metrics
Link Reference: 426
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