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Considerations and recommendations for conducting qualitative research interviews with palliative and end-of-life care patients in the home setting: a consensus paper

Type: Article
Author: BMJ: Supportive & Palliative Care – Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Centre, Cardiff University
Keywords: qualitative research, ethics, end of life, home setting, research conduct, ethical conduct, interviews, research practice, palliative care, consensus
Link Reference: 736
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Consort statement for reporting step wedged trials

Type: Guideline
Keywords: transparency, quality, integrity, study reports, CONSORT, trial reporting
Link Reference: 698
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Corporate induction – guide to signposting patients into clinical trials in the NHS

Type: Example Leaflet
Author: Rachael Dowling
Keywords: corporate induction, embedding research, NHS staff, guidance
Additional Detail: Corporate induction – guide to signposting patients into clinical trials in the NHS
Link Reference: 776
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COS-STAP (Core Outcome Set-STAndardised Protocol Items)

Type: Guideline
Author: Jamie J. Kirkham, Sarah Gorst, Douglas G. Altman, Jane M. Blazeby, Mike Clarke, Sean Tunis, Paula R. Williamson1* and for the COS-STAP Group
Keywords: protocol standards, core outcome set, protocols, PPI, Sponsorship, study development, design, Sponsor
Link Reference: 745
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