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IDEAL Framework update: No surgical innovtion without evaluation

Type: Article
Author: IDEAL collaboration
Keywords: Surgical research, devices, research pathway, ideal framework, ideal
Link Reference: 726
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IMP management for Trust Sponsored studies

Type: Example SOP
Author: Barts Health NHS Trust & Queen Mary University of London
Keywords: Sponsorship, IMP management, GCP, Compliance, CTIMPS
Link Reference: 299
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IMP: Clinical Trials Toolkit Trial Supplies Guide

Type: Guidance
Author: MODEPHARMA for the NIHR Clinical Trials Toolkit via Clinical Trials Toolkit
Keywords: Sponsorship, Trials Supplies, IMP management, CTIMPS, GCP, Compliance, Risk adaption
Link Reference: 300
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Impact literacy workbook

Type: Toolkit
Author: Emerald Publishing and impact literacy
Keywords: Impact, Impact literacy, evidence, organisation, institution, checklist
Link Reference: 645
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Impact of patient and public involvement on enrolment and retention in clinical trials: systematic review and meta-analysis

Type: Article
Author: Joanna C Crocker, research fellow, Ignacio Ricci-Cabello, Miguel Servet research fellow, Adwoa Parker, research fellow, Jennifer A Hirst, senior researcher, Alan Chant, patient partner, Sophie Petit-Zeman, former director of patient involvement, David Evans, professor in health services research, Sian Rees, patient and public involvement, engagement and experience theme lead
Keywords: PPI, patient and public involvement, enrolment, retention, trial retention, project management, sponsorship
Link Reference: 711
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