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Involving Service Users and Carers as Co-Applicants, Project Team Members and Co-researchers in Research Guidelines for Sponsors, Research Managers and Governance Leads

Type: Guidance
Author: NHS R&D Forum Service Users and Carers Working Group
Keywords: Coapplicancy, co-applicants, PPI, patient and public involvement, consumers, service users and carers, ethics, governance, legal
Link Reference: 2838
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IP policy

Type: Example Policy
Author: Hartlepool and Stockton on Tees CCG
Keywords: IP, intellectual, revenue, Hartlepool, Stockton
Link Reference: 171
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IP policy

Type: Example Policy
Author: University Hospital Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Keywords: IP, intellectual, costing, Bristol, policy
Link Reference: 173
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Is my study research?

Type: Guidance
Author: Medical Research Council/Health Research Authority
Keywords: MRC, HRA, categorise, service evaluation, audit, decision tool
Link Reference: 372
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Is this what we should all know

Type: Blog
Author: Derek Stewart
Keywords: public, patient, blog, Derek, involvement, PPI
Link Reference: 259
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