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Monitoring & Oversight of Research Activity

Type: Example SOP
Author: University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust
Keywords: Bristol, SOP, monitoring, oversight
Link Reference: 503
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Monitoring Advances Including Consent; Learning from COVID-19 Trials and Other Trials Running in UKCRC Registered Clinical Trials Units During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author: Sharon Love, Emma Armstrong, Carrie Bayliss, Melanie Boulter, Lisa Fox, Joanne Grumett, Patricia Rafferty, Barbara Temesi, Krista Wills, Andrea Corkhill
Keywords: monitoring, econsent, consent, remote monitoring, COVID, COVID-19
Link Reference: 2890
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Monitoring during COVID 19 at GSTFT.

Type: Example Guidance
Author: Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust
Keywords: COVID-19, COVID19, COVID, advice, guidance, researchers, pandemic, emergency, urgent, remote monitoring, re-start, restart
Link Reference: 2878
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Monitoring strategy table

Type: Example Strategy
Author: University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust
Keywords: Leicester, trial, monitoring, strategy, CTIMP
Link Reference: 498
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Monitoring Systems

Type: Paper
Author: NHS R&D Forum
Keywords: monitor, audit, quality
Link Reference: 502
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