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Resource Exchange: Search Results Title

Regenerative Medicine

Type: Website resources
Author: HRA
Keywords: HRA, regenerative, regulator
Link Reference: 335
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Registry of Research Data Repositories

Type: Website resources
Author: Datacite
Keywords: transparency, data sharing, data sharing platforms reproducibility, quality, integrity, responsible research, discoverability
Link Reference: 793
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Regulation & Governance of Health Research 5 years on (2016)

Type: Report
Author: Academy of Medical Sciences
Keywords: regulation, governance, report, Academy, Cancer, Wellcome, workshop
Link Reference: 252
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Reimagine Research Culture Festival

Type: Website resources
Author: Wellcome Trust
Keywords: research culture, inclusion, leadership, strategy, teamscience, equality and diversity,
Additional Detail: The website contains links to pre-recordings and articles
Link Reference: 13633
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Reseach toolkit

Type: Website resources
Author: University of Washington
Keywords: Research proposal, collaboration, start-up
Link Reference: 377
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