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July 2023 Newsletter

Date: 27 July 2023

Welcome to the Forum July 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to our seventh Newsletter of 2023.

It may not seem like summer with the recent days and days of rain and chilly weather throughout the UK, but I hope it does not stop you getting some down time and the weather improves.

The new Trustees of the Forum Charity have now all met to plan the future direction of travel, ways of working etc. This was a really inspiring session and over the coming months we will continue to formulate and more importantly communicate these to you very soon.

Exciting times for RDForum, so watch this space.

Best Wishes,

Shona Haining
Executive, NHS R&D Forum

Upcoming Courses

Please see below for details on our upcoming courses that have been designed to support the Health & Care R&D Community.

Essentials of Research Sponsorship

  • 18th August 2023 (Virtual Classroom)

This one-day course is designed to provide the essentials to become and/or improve the management of clinical research as a sponsor. It will provide an opportunity to develop skills and gain knowledge in the underlying principles of sponsorship.

Book here

Regulatory Inspection Ready (in-person)

  • 18th September 2023 (London)

This course is aimed at those who deliver research in a healthcare setting either in a Sponsor team or as a Host, and that maybe subject to regulatory inspection. Delegates will learn strategies that build confidence for an inspection from any of the regulators for example the MHRA, Human Tissue Authority or Human Embryology & Fertilisation Authority.

Book here

Archiving Masterclass (in-person)

  • 2nd October 2023 (Bristol)

An excellent course providing expert insights in the practicalities of research archiving procedures. A one day in-depth master class delivered by trainers with advanced clinical records management expertise taking participants through all the key requirements for managing, storing and archiving essential documents and research data.

Book here

NIHR Updates

MHRA puts supporting patient access to innovation at the heart of its new Corporate Plan 2023-26

A new, visionary Corporate Plan, setting out how the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency plans to keep patients safe by enabling access to innovative, safe and effective medical products over the coming three years, has been published.

This plan sets out the central priorities for the agency over the next three years so that it can deliver on this core purpose, by using its breadth of scientific and regulatory expertise, its support for innovation and the risk-proportionate regulation of medical products.

Read more here

Working in UK clinical research – cancer or otherwise? If so, Cancer Research UK’s Policy team wants to hear from you

CRUK’s Policy team is currently running a short survey (approx. 10 minutes) to understand the experience and views of those involved in supporting and/or delivering clinical research in the UK.

Your insights and feedback will be key to informing future conversations that Cancer Research UK has with political decision-makers and civil servants in the UK Government and devolved administrations.

Survey closes August 9th.

Read more here

Research, the NHS and you – NIHR Conference for people new to research

Registration is now open for ‘Research, the NHS and you – NIHR Conference for people new to research’.

Attend the conference on Thursday 21 September at ExCel, London the importance of research in the NHS is explored and how healthcare professionals across the NHS can support, deliver and lead research. The conference is free to all delegates and open to anyone working within the NHS who wants to find out more about research and how they can get involved.

Read more here

Making it easier to do commercial clinical trials that people can trust

The HRA are working with organisations across the clinical research sector to deliver on the commitments in the government’s response to Lord O’Shaughnessy’s review to help make the UK an even better place to do commercial clinical trials.

Read more here

UK Trial Manager of the Year 2023

Trial Manager of the Year 2023 is open for nominations! This year with up to £1,000 NIHR Academy sponsorship for the winner(s) to use for their professional development.

The deadline for nominations is 11pm on Sunday 1st October.

Read more here

Researchers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to access further NIHR research funding

Health and social care researchers, and in some cases SMEs, from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will be able to access funding from four further NIHR research programmes from Autumn 2023.

Read more here

The NIHR has appointed four Scientific Directors to its new NIHR Board

The Board will provide advice to Professor Lucy Chappell, DHSC Chief Scientific Adviser and NIHR CEO, and Dr Gail Marzetti, DHSC Director of Science Research and Evidence.

For details on the new Scientific Directors, visit our website below.

Read more here

Edinburgh Dementia Prevention Brain Health Summer School 2023 

This year the course will focus on the latest evidence for dementia prevention and promoting good brain health. Delivered online, the course will consider both global and public health perspectives, including examples from clinical care, policy and research.

Participants completing this course will:

  1. Gain knowledge and understanding on brain health and dementia prevention.
  2. Integrate knowledge about risk factors, global and public health perspectives on dementia prevention.

Dates: Monday 28th August – Friday 1st September 2023

Read more here

HSRAA 2023 Annual Conference

The Health Sciences Records and Archives Association (HSRAA) is a reputable, global, non-profit, member-driven professional association established in 1981.

The HSRAA offers stakeholders in the life sciences and healthcare sectors a trusted community and forum for collaborating, learning, sharing, and best practices for Information Governance, Records Management, Archive Management, and Digital Preservation for regulated and research records that are subject to regulatory inspection.

Their 2023 Annual Conference is set to take place in Dublin, from the 3rd-5th October. It will provide a unique opportunity to come together to hear views, best practice and experiences on key challenges and trends in records management and archiving facing the health sciences sector.

To find out more about the Conference, please visit their website here.

New Resources

Resources from the NHS Research and Development Forum to support health and care research in the UK:

  • Reset Payment Guidance

Read more here

Contacting the R&D Forum

As a reminder, should you need to contact the Forum the best way is via email which is

The latest job vacancies displayed on our website.


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