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December 2022 Newsletter

Date: 30 December 2022

Welcome to the Forum December 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to our final Newsletter of 2022. In preparation for this newsletter, I have been reflecting on how far we have come as a R&D community over the last 12 months, and am excited for what lies ahead in the New Year.  Reflections include the engagement, conversations and influence we have had within and on behalf of the Forum to drive the R&D agenda across England and the Devolved Administrations, establishment of the foundations for increased joint working with ARMA and the re-introduction of in-person symposia and training.

Moving forward into 2023, we will continue to have seats at the tables where our voices need to be heard, have a refreshed training programme with our offer being both online and in-person, and of course we have the long-awaited return of our NHS R&D Forum Annual Conference in May 2023 in Newcastle/Gateshead.

It has been an absolute pleasure working with you this last year – there is a lot for you, and the community as a whole to be proud of.

Wishing each and every one of you a wonderful, joyous, festive break, and look forward to working with you all in the New Year.

Best Regards,
Angela Topping
NHS R&D Forum Executive Member

FINAL REMINDER – The Call for Posters Closes on 31st December

The NHS Research and Development Forum are inviting abstracts for presentation at RDF23 Conference, taking place next May.

Your poster should relate to the process, the structure, improving efficiency, improving quality, promoting best practice or adding value in R&D studies, teams, departments or organisations.

For full details on submission guidelines, please visit our website below.

Read more here

RDF Credits – Deadline to use by 31st December 2022

Remember, if you booked and paid for RDF20, your organisation has a credit which you can redeem to book for RDF23 or any of the R&D Forum training courses. Credits apply to the organisation, not the individual. Credits from 2020 must be redeemed by the 31st December 2022. If you have any questions about this, please email:


House of Lords Science and Technology Committee

Last month, the NHS R&D Forum were invited to give evidence to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee at its short inquiry into clinical academics in the NHS.  The session, which took place in Parliament on Tuesday 29th November 2022, was attended by Angela Topping on behalf of the Forum who presented evidence alongside Professor Lucy Chappell.  The evidence as presented will help inform a committee letter with recommendations to the Government and other key organisations. These recommendations will be published in the New Year.

A recording of the session can be found, below.

Listen to the recording here


2023 – Course Schedule Released

We are pleased to advise that the training team have set the course schedule for 2023, some of which will be remain to be virtual and others returning to In-Person, which we feel is a massive benefit to what you can learn together and share experiences.

Currently bookings are open for courses running from January – March 2023, with further bookings for the Spring opening in the New Year.  To review the full schedule, click the link below.

2023 Courses – view here

Innovating Health for All: Learning from Global Health Research

Southern Health are hosting a global health conference on April 26th 2023.  Open to all, where professionals and researchers will be discussing health-related issues.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS! Submissions close for symposia on 8th January 2023 and for posters and open papers on 31st January 2023.

Read more here

Research Study Title: Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Research: Using the Diversity Site Assessment Tool (DSAT) to better understand knowledge and best Practices to meet the needs of a diverse UK population (RESPECT).

The team at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust would like to invite you to participate in a cross-sectional study they are carrying out across all clinical research sites to assess site diversity, to promote patient diversity awareness and inclusion in clinical trials and other research studies in the UK population. The study team aim to develop a better understanding of the knowledge, expertise and best practices of patient diversity awareness at UK Clinical research sites, and to meet the needs of a diverse UK population using the Diversity Site Assessment Tool (DSAT).

Read more here

Over £175 million for cutting-edge genomics research

The Government has announced funding to create the most advanced genomic healthcare system in the world, helping to save lives and improve health outcomes.

Read more here

AMRC – Making research happen: Charities’ vital role

Charities are vital partners in UK research because they respond to patients’ priorities, tackles areas of unmet need, and accelerate health impact.
Our animation and infographic, explore how they make research happen, providing help for today and hope for tomorrow.

Read more here

NIHR Updates

NIHR pilot works to improve awareness and inclusion in research 

A pilot scheme designed to engage underserved communities and improve inclusion and representation in health and care research has been so successful that it is now being rolled out across England.

Read more here

Contacting the R&D Forum

As a reminder, should you need to contact the Forum the best way is via email which is

The latest job vacancies displayed on our website.


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