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Course: Research Governance for PIs and Delivery Teams
Date: 14 March 2025 (1 day)
Location: Virtual Classroom
Price: £250 plus VAT

Duration: 1 Day
Course Description:

This course has unfortunately been cancelled. Please email for the next course date

In addition to carrying out the protocol-driven activities of the research studies in which they participate. Principal Investigators and their delivery teams must ensure that the studies are managed as required and that all the governance requirements are fulfilled. The course has been designed to give an overview of the governance and management requirements throughout the life cycle of a research study within the NHS/HSC across all the four nations in the UK.

During this interactive study day, we’ll go through different aspects of study set-up including research funding, regulatory approvals, logistics, safety reporting and local study management. It will also talk about roles and responsibilities of Principal Investigators and study delivery teams in different phases of study management.

Who is the Course for?

This course has been focused on the role of Principal Investigators and study delivery teams within the NHS/HSC organisations in managing a research project.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course, delegates will have a better understanding of:

  • Key aspects of regulatory requirements and approvals
  • The requirements and responsibilities of study management from set up to close out and archiving
  • The logistics and responsibilities of study delivery

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Courses currently open for booking:

Getting the most out of IRAS

Date: 16 January 2025 (1/2 Day PM)
Location: Virtual Classroom
Price: £75 plus VAT

Research Governance for PIs and Delivery Teams

Date: 14 March 2025 (1 day)
Location: Virtual Classroom
Price: £250 plus VAT

Essentials of NHS Research Virtual Course

Date: 24 March 2025 (2 Days)
Location: Virtual Classroom
Price: £390 + VAT

Local Capacity and Capability for Research

Date: 31 March 2025 (1 Day)
Location: Birmingham
Price: 330

Regulatory Inspection Ready

Date: 4 April 2025 (1 Day)
Location: Leeds (In-Person Course)
Price: £330 plus VAT