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SOP for process to open or reopen non-pandemic research conducted within University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (UHL) during a pandemic.

Type: Example SOP
Author: University of Leicester & University Hospitals of Leicester Joint Research Support Office
Keywords: COVID-19, COVID19, COVID, advice, guidance, researchers, pandemic, emergency, urgent, re-open, open studies, SOP
Link Reference: 2870
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SOP for reporting serious breaches in clinical research

Type: Example SOP
Author: Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Keywords: Serious breach, incident
Link Reference: 291
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SOP for the management of suspected fraud and misconduct in research where UHL is the host organisation or research site

Type: Example SOP
Author: University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust
Keywords: Fraud, misconduct, SOP
Link Reference: 347
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SOP: Remote Monitoring

Type: Example SOP
Author: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Keywords: COVID-19, COVID19, COVID, advice, guidance, researchers, pandemic, emergency, urgent, remote monitoring
Additional Detail: Please note this is a DRAFT SOP at the time of publication
Link Reference: 2871
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SOPs for Research Ethics Committees

Type: SOP Template
Author: Health Research Authority
Keywords: SOPS, RECS, Research ethics
Link Reference: 342
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