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Sponsor Risk assessment areas

Type: Example risk assessment
Author: The Christie NHS Foundation Trust:
Keywords: Sponsorship, set up, process, Sponsors, sponsor process, risk, risk assessment
Additional Detail: This is supporting information to go with the Non commercial Sponsors symposium Slideset Nov 2019
Link Reference: 799
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Sponsored studies site capability form

Type: Example Form
Author: Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust
Keywords: Sponsorship, site, capability, oversight, capacity
Link Reference: 112
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Sponsorship and Confirmation of Capacity and Capability of COVID-19 Studies [PDF 331KB]

Type: Example SOP
Author: Joint Research Management Office, Queen Mary University of London and Barts Health NHS Trust
Keywords: COVID-19, COVID19, COVID, advice, guidance, researchers, pandemic, emergency, urgent
Additional Detail: Please note the date of publication and that all may be updated over time
Link Reference: 2852
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Sponsorship Principles

Type: Guidance
Author: NHS R&D Forum, updated by Tanya Symons (T Symons Associates), June 2016
Keywords: Sponsorship, oversight, GCP, legal representative, co-sponsor, joint sponsor, research governance
Link Reference: 410
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Sponsorship risk assessment

Type: Example risk assessment
Author: North Bristol NHS Trust
Keywords: Sponsorship, set up, process, Sponsors, sponsor process, risk, risk assessment
Link Reference: 691
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