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July 2022 Newsletter

Date: 1 August 2022

Welcome to the Forum July 2022 Newsletter

Just when we hoped that things might quieten down as the summer holidays approach, the research management world keeps going strong and busy as ever!

There are lots of planned activities for our community in the pipeline, the training courses are filling up fast and an in-person course is now planned for October.

With the Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) now in their 1st month of being a statutory body, it is so important we work with them to see what “even better” looks like for research.  So please look at the details of the Symposium on 13th October and book a place.

Health Research Authority is now 10 years old and their business plan shows their year one delivery plan of the new three-year strategy, making it easy to do research people can trust.  We look forward to continuing working with them to support this ambition

Hope you all get some down time and relaxation during the summer.

Best Regards,

Shona Haining
Director, NHS R&D Forum 

The Forum ICS and Research Symposium – 13th October, Leeds  

We are delighted to have some of our key stakeholders, DHSC, NHSE, HRA and NIHR attending this in person symposium.  They will share their current work and thinking with regards to research and ICS/B’s as well as time to listen and discuss with attendees from R&D and ICB Leads, Managers, Directors and interested parties.

There will be a slot for sharing progress and challenges from some ICSs who are attending to enhance this learning – more to follow.  To view the draft Agenda and to make a booking, please click below.

Agendas & Bookings

Monthly Forum Working Group Update

Hello, my name is Susan Keenan, and I am the R&D Senior Finance Manager at University Hospital Southampton. I am founder and Chair of the joint R&D Forum/UKRD Finance Managers group and am supported by my two wonderful deputies Phillip Smith, Associate Director of Research, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, and Gillian Chater, Assistant Director of Finance – Research, The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. I am also Chair of the Wessex Region Finance Network and also the finance lead for the Wessex Vaccine Hub.

The group is a professional community of NHS R&D Finance Managers across the UK. It was formed in 2019 at the request of members of the Forum and UKRD, specifically to explore and discuss topical and ongoing issues facing NHS R&D departments, how they impact on individual Trusts and the R&D community. For this initiative, UKRD is working jointly with the NHS R&D Forum as there is overlap and interest in this work for both communities.

Coming together as a group, has provided us the opportunity to forge professional relationships and establish a network of colleagues who are facing the same challenges. We currently meet virtually 3 or 4 times a year to raise concerns, share ideas, and learn from each other, plus we are actively engaged with DHSC on several national initiatives.

In addition, we deliver outputs including research finance guidance, annual research finance survey, and are now creating sub-groups: task and finish groups for topical issues, and regional networks to expand our reach and represent wider community.

If you would like to know more about us, or be part of one of our sub-groups, please do get in touch  or and we will link you to your nearest group lead.

Thank you

In Person Training 

We are delighted to be returning to the in-person delivery of NHS R&D Forum training, starting with Capacity and Capability on Monday 17 October 2022. For further details regarding the course and venue, including Covid safety protocols, please Click link below under the “Courses and Events” section.

There are a number of advantages to in-person training when compared with online courses. Sitting in front of a laptop all day concentrating on new knowledge can be stressful and tiring leading to less effective learning. Undertaking a course in-person is more interactive and engaging leading to a more effective learning experience. Delegates learn and can contribute more with questions and comments increasing confidence and will be able to concentrate completely on the course and not have attention drawn away. Delegates will be provided with hard-copy workbooks to use for reference after the course.

Opportunities to network throughout the course and during breaks often result in long term support networks, exchange of ideas and cross-fertilisation.

We will be holding courses at various locations across the UK in 2023, close to transport hubs with nearby hotels at a range of prices to facilitate attendance from any part of the country.  2019 prices held!



Allyson Bailey
NHS R&D Forum Training Lead

Call for Trainers 

The NHS R&D Forum is seeking applicants for the following roles within our training programme.  Please note that at the moment all courses are being run online, but we do hope to return to face to face training in the future, so applicants should be prepared to travel.

Course Leader for “Finance in the R&D Office”
A course leader should have at least 2 years experience in the subject matter as well as considerable training and facilitation experience. You will be expected to put together, manage and lead a reference group to develop the course materials within an agreed timeframe, as well as helping to recruit trainers as required. Course leaders in general also act as trainers, but this is not required.

Medical Devices Course
We need two or three NHS representative(s) to be part of the reference group to develop the Medical Devices course. This will involve working with the course leader to develop the course materials and ensure that they are suitable for attendees who are either part of the NHS or work with the NHS on medical device studies.

For more information on the roles and the courses and for application forms, please contact


Essentials of NHS Research (Fully booked)

5th & 6th September

The updated material includes a whole new look package of essentials for anyone looking for a complete overview of NHS R&D management.

This is a two day course. The first day covers the overall research landscape and the legislation and regulations that govern it, as well as the various aspects of research management and governance. Day two concentrates more on the design, development and management of a research project, as well as looking at wider issues of leadership and strategy.  The course is a mixture of traditional trainer presentation with interactive activities and discussions.

Book here

Regulatory Inspection Ready

12th September
This one-day course is aimed at those who deliver research in a healthcare setting either in a Sponsor team or as a Host, and that maybe subject to regulatory inspection. Preparation for Inspection is critical but compliance driven from preparation rather than from quality systems can lead to poor practice and Inspection findings.

Book here

Archiving Masterclass

10th October

An excellent course providing expert insights in the practicalities of research archiving procedures.

End of study procedures are the domain of both the NHS and the Sponsor and so if you are a named archivist or just need to understand more about how to firm up your procedures then you should consider this one-day event.

Book here

Local Capacity and Capability for Research

17th October – In Person Course, Birmingham

A one-day course designed to provide an understanding of the requirements of an NHS organisation when determining whether to take part in a particular research study as a host. It explains the principles of good study set up, the information required by the R&D office and where it can be obtained. It introduces delegates to the various systems and documents associated with research and also provides some guidance on developing relationships with key support departments and stakeholders within an NHS organisation.

Book here

Essentials of Research Sponsorship

7th November – Save the date, bookings opening soon

This course is designed to provide the essentials to become and/or improve the management of clinical research as a sponsor.  A one day course that will provide an opportunity to develop skills and gain knowledge in the underlying principles of sponsorship. The course covers widely accepted concepts that not only directly apply to sponsorship but are transferable to other areas of the research industry.

Book here

RDF 2022 Events Schedule

To view what else we have planned for the rest of the year, please click below.

HRA Business Plan for 2022 – 2023

This business plan is the first bold step into the future, our year one delivery plan of the HRA’s new three-year strategy: making it easy to do research people can trust.

In 2021, the HRA celebrated and reflected on the achievements of the HRA, the HRA community and all of those who worked with the HRA in the first ten years. In this time, the HRA have transformed the research and governance landscape, streamlining existing services and reducing duplication in the NHS, improving transparency and growing public involvement. The HRA has now reflected on the work still to be done, challenges they face today, and new challenges opportunities the HRA will face tomorrow.

To ready more and the full business plan, click link below.

Read more here

Change to MHRA eSUSAR Reporting process

Please be advised that the eSUSAR website used for the submission of SUSAR reports to the MHRA will be decommissioned at the end of September 2022 and only SUSARS via the Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSR) Submissions portal route will be accepted from 01 October 2022. Attempts to submit SUSARs via the eSUSAR website after this date will not be received by the MHRA and your reporting obligations as required by UK SI 2004/1031 (as amended) will not be met.

Read more here

New NIHR Regional Research Delivery Network Configuration

Statement on the announcement of the NIHR Regional Research Delivery Network configuration from April 2024: “The NIHR Research Delivery Network’s new regional configuration will put us in a really strong position for the future. Our alignment with the NHS England regions, being coterminous with integrated care systems and their component organisations, will facilitate strong relations and a much greater focus on research.

“This current announcement is about the form of the network, and it’s geographical configuration. Details are yet to be finalised regarding functions and other key areas such as funding. We expect these to be made public ahead of the host re-selection process starting in October. “What is clear, however, is that there is a strong track record of research support across the Network and a strong commitment to supporting research in the future. I am confident that the plans for the new Regional Research Delivery Network will build on this and present improved opportunities for people across the region to benefit from research opportunities, and for NIHR staff to support this.”

Dr William van’t Hoff, Clinical Research Network Chief Executive


NIHR Updates

Contacting the R&D Forum

As a reminder, should you need to contact the Forum the best way is via email which is

The latest job vacancies displayed on our website.


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