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August 2022 Newsletter

Date: 31 August 2022

Welcome to the Forum August 2022 Newsletter

Often we do not have an August newsletter as the R&D management world is a bit quieter over the summer holiday period.  However not this year!! I am sure you are all experiencing just how busy work is and the lull when we could draw breath and catch up is not that obvious now. Please do look after yourselves and have a break for relaxation and to return refreshed and raring to go (again).

RDForum continues to be busy.  The ICS and Research Symposium on the 13th October, in Leeds is filling up fast so please book your place and ensure your ICS Leaders for Research are aware of this event.

Please take 10 minutes to complete the survey from the RDForum Non-Commercial Sponsors Reference Group. They conducted a survey in 2010 about sponsorship fees and published a paper including information around what fees NHS Organisations were being charged and what models were is use.  There have been many changes since then and the group have decided to repeat this survey, with the inclusion of some additional questions.  Your input will be much appreciated.

And finally ….. always big news on the horizon, so please keep a watch on your inbox and social media in the coming days.

Best Regards,

Shona Haining
Director, NHS R&D Forum 

The Forum ICS and Research Symposium – 13th October, Leeds  

Since opening the bookings, we are delighted that so many of our community will be joining us in Leeds in October for this 1 day event.  Read below to find out more.

We are delighted to have some of our key stakeholders, DHSC, NHSE, HRA and NIHR attending this in person symposium.  They will share their current work and thinking with regards to research and ICS/B’s as well as time to listen and discuss with attendees from R&D and ICB Leads, Managers, Directors and interested parties.

There will be a slot for sharing progress and challenges from some ICSs who are attending to enhance this learning.

Agendas & Bookings

R&D Forum Contact Directory

Please can we ask that you check that our Contact Directory listing for you is up to date. Many organisations, including HRA, use this to contact you about studies and if the information is incorrect this causes delays, additional work and could result in you not receiving important information.

Contact Directory

Please follow RDF on LinkedIn

To keep up to date on our social media and news, please follow us on LinkedIn:

Resource Exchange

PLEASE, if you have documents on the Research Exchange and your NHS Organisation changes its URL, let us know, so that we can make sure that the resources that you have kindly shared continue to be accessible. If you find a link broken please let us know either by clicking on the ‘report problems’ button or email

Non-Commercial Sponsors Online Survey 2022


The NHS R&D Forum Non-Commercial Sponsors Reference Group conducted a survey in 2010 about sponsorship fees and published a paper including information around what fees NHS Organisations were being charged and what models were in use.

There have been many changes since then and the NHS R&D Forum have decided to repeat this survey, with the inclusion of some additional questions.  The NHS R&D Forum will publish the findings of this survey via the newsletter, R&D Website and Working Groups.

Any feedback you can provide will ensure we are aware of current issues in the community around sponsorship. It will take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.

Please cascade with other colleagues who are involved in the sponsorship process, as we want to obtain as many responses as possible to ensure all the R&D community have an opportunity to have their say.

The survey is open until the 9th September 2022. 

Complete survey here

Essentials of NHS Research (Fully booked)

The Essentials of NHS Research course on the 5th & 6th September is fully booked.  Read on below for other courses from the Forum that are open for booking.


Regulatory Inspection Ready

12th September – 2 places remaining
This one-day course is aimed at those who deliver research in a healthcare setting either in a Sponsor team or as a Host, and that maybe subject to regulatory inspection. Preparation for Inspection is critical but compliance driven from preparation rather than from quality systems can lead to poor practice and Inspection findings.

Book here

Archiving Masterclass

10th October

An excellent course providing expert insights in the practicalities of research archiving procedures.

End of study procedures are the domain of both the NHS and the Sponsor and so if you are a named archivist or just need to understand more about how to firm up your procedures then you should consider this one-day event.

Book here

Local Capacity and Capability for Research

17th October – In Person Course, Birmingham

A one-day course designed to provide an understanding of the requirements of an NHS organisation when determining whether to take part in a particular research study as a host. It explains the principles of good study set up, the information required by the R&D office and where it can be obtained. It introduces delegates to the various systems and documents associated with research and also provides some guidance on developing relationships with key support departments and stakeholders within an NHS organisation.

Book here

Essentials of Research Sponsorship

7th November – Save the date, bookings opening soon

This course is designed to provide the essentials to become and/or improve the management of clinical research as a sponsor.  A one day course that will provide an opportunity to develop skills and gain knowledge in the underlying principles of sponsorship. The course covers widely accepted concepts that not only directly apply to sponsorship but are transferable to other areas of the research industry.

Book here

RDF 2022 Events Schedule

To view what else we have planned for the rest of the year, please click below.

Calling all Masters Students Interested in Conducting Research in a Healthcare Setting

Important Update:

In September 2021, the eligibility criteria changed for Masters Students to carry out research in a Healthcare Setting in the UK.

The Health Research Authority has produced a Student Research Toolkit( which not only brings together the resources you will need to understand what approvals are required, but also whether you are eligible to carry out research in the UK.

You are urged to engage with the Toolkit early to ensure you do not waste valuable time in seeking approval for research which may no longer be eligible.

Should you have any queries in relation to your research project proposal, please liaise with your Project Supervisor and Sponsor in the first instance.

Can all R&D Departments please cascade to all Graduate Schools, NHS Training and Education Departments and Universities and any other local groups that have Masters Students.


HSRAA Conference

The Health Sciences Records and Archives Association (previously known as Scientific Archivists Group) is a non-profit, member-driven professional association.  The Association offers stakeholders in the life sciences and healthcare sectors a trusted community and forum for collaborating, learning, sharing, and best practices for Information Governance, Records Management, Archive Management, and Digital Preservation for regulated and research records that are subject to regulatory inspection.

The HSRAA Annual Conference is taking place from the 28th – 30th September 2022 in Manchester and they are offering the NHS R&D Forum community a 30% discount on registration fees (use discount code NHS023).  You can attend all 3 days or there is the option to book single days, with or without accommodation also available.

To find out more about the conference, programme and confirmed speakers, click below.

Find out more


Health and Care Research Wales Conference 2022

The 8th annual Health and Care Research Wales Conference will take place on 13 October 2022 at Sophia Gardens in Cardiff.

The theme of this year’s event is Where would we be without research?

The conference will showcase ground-breaking health and social care research as well as covering important topics such as changing policy and practice, public involvement, and building research capacity.

The work of the research community will also be celebrated through the Health and Care Research Wales Awards, which will be presented at the end of the conference.

Read more here

Edinburgh Clinical Research Methodology Course 2022

This two-day course provides a comprehensive overview of the methods and frameworks currently required to perform cutting-edge clinical research.

The course will consist of interactive lectures and opportunities for delegates to network with distinguished researchers, all of whom are recognised experts in their field.

Aimed at practitioners at all levels from all disciplines (medical, allied health professionals, nursing and midwifery staff and scientists) who have an interest in or are actively engaged in clinical research.

Date: Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th October 2022

Read more here

NCTU’s – Online Introduction to Statistics in Clinical Trials

The booking page for the NCTU’s above short course is now open!

This is an online course which introduces the basic statistical concepts and methods commonly used in medical research.

28th November – 9th December 2022

Early Bird registration closes on the 14th October 2022.

Read more here

NIHR Updates

Contacting the R&D Forum

As a reminder, should you need to contact the Forum the best way is via email which is

The latest job vacancies displayed on our website.


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